A story adapted from a Nigerian tale. Nine-year old Ade is disgruntled about his sister leaving him to start her own family in a far away village.
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Clarissa and her son, George Henry suffer the indignities of bondage: bought, sold, resold, and abused. Although scarred emotionally and physically, Clarissa refuses to accept enslavement. As Clarissa struggles against time, lessons from her grandmother fuel her compulsion to be free. On the trail, Clarissa and her son are rescued by the Underground Railroad passengers. Taking the long walk to freedom, they follow the North Star.
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Lucy Higgs Nichols, a runaway slave, lives in several states as a child, but is never sold. At twenty-four she joins the 23rd Indiana Regiment and becomes a Civil War nurse. In 1898 Lucy receives a nurse’s pension by a Special Act of Congress. When Lucy dies, in 1915, she is buried with full military honors. For ages 10 and up